The three valleys



The path from Kranjska Gora leads along the cycle path through the village of Mojstrana, which proudly guards the entrance to the three Triglav valleys. There, we turn towards the Vrata Valley past the beautiful Peričnik Waterfall. We continue to the Aljaž Lodge, where we can enjoy the view of the Triglav northern wall. We have time for some lunch and a break. On our way back, we turn to the Krma Valley, the longest of the three glacial valleys leading from Mojstrana. We then return along the beautiful cycle path to Kranjska Gora.

Heart of the Wilderness


The excursion is technically easy. However, we travel quite a few kilometres and altitude difference. It is also suitable for not very skilful cyclists with more fitness.

Camp Life and Exploration


Mojstrana, Peričnik Waterfall, Aljaž Lodge, Triglav wall, monument to fallen soldiers in Vrata, Krma Valley, Triglav.

Reflecting on the Journey
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